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News and Events

We offer classes on a variety of topics, including nutrition, food preparation and preservation, art workshops, community meetings and more. We also host special gatherings to showcase local artists with new displays in our art gallery.  


September Activities

Our art gallery has a new display featuring native artists Jenneeese Hilton, Aspen Decker and Cameon Decker. The gallery is open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 10 AM to 2 PM.


The garden is coming along beautifully, thanks to our volunteers. Harvest is underway and we're looking forwar to having fresh organic produce for distribution in our food pantry and to our volunteers and partners.  


Our food pantry is closed the first week of the month and then open Thursdays from 5 - 7 PM and Fridays from 1 0 3 PM. Click on the September calendar to enlarge it and see what we have going on. 

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Instant Pot Classes

Instant Pot Classes

In a recent instant pot cooking class, the participants learned to make three-can chili. This easy, budget-friendly recipe is ready in less than ten minutes. These classes have been so popular we've offered three six-class series so far this year. The students also work on their knife skills and learn about budgeting and meal planning. Participants who attend all six classes take home a free instant pot so they can put their new skills to use.

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Garden For Life

Our garden is producing early crops like lettuce, radishes and bok choy. Recent rains have made the garden spring up and all the veggies are starting to mature. We're looking forward to a bountiful harvest so share with our food pantry, volunteers, local organizations, and our partners throughout the community. 

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Canning Class

With gardens throughout the community approaching their peak season, it's the perfect time for a canning class. Our latest class had fun learning to make dill pickles, and participants took home a jar of pickles. Canning is a great way to preserve your garden's veggies to enjoy all year round. Follow us on Facebook for more upcoming classes. 

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